Saturday, June 8, 2013

Adding a custom sound file to your Arma 3 Alpha mission

The Arma 3 Alpha is a great game that allows a lot of customization and creation of your own content, including your own missions. When making your own mission you may want to add your own custom sounds, which allows for a more personalized mission. You could add your own music, sound FX, or even a recorded voice that is activated by a trigger. Here is how you can do it:

NOTE: If you already have a mission you started making, then skip step 1.

1. Create a new mission in the editor, then name it, save it, and exit Arma 3.

2. Go to your "Documents\Arma 3 Alpha\missions\" folder. You should see the the folder for your mission you created.

3. Open the folder for that mission, and create a new folder in it and name it "Sound", and place the sound file you want to use in there(the file needs to be an .ogg, and you can place more than one sound in the folder if you want to use more).

4. Go back into your mission folder(the one that you placed the "Sound" folder in) and create a new text document, open it and copy and paste this into it:

author = "Dark_Nanos"; // Put your name here
OnLoadName = "Cafe Sniper"; // The name of your mission
OnLoadMission = "Eliminate the High Value Targets"; // The description of the mission
respawn = "Instant";
respawnDelay = 5;
respawnDialog = false;
class CfgSounds
// List of sounds (.ogg files without the .ogg extension)
sounds[] = {SoundName};
// Definition for each sound
class SoundName
name = "SoundName"; // Name for mission editor
sound[] = {\Sound\SoundName.ogg, 1, 1.0};
titles[] = {};

The part between the rows of forward slashes is the part you need for the sounds. I left the top part from my mission just as an example of other stuff you might want to do. Maybe it will be helpful to someone.

5. Replace the four parts where it says SoundName, with the name of your own sound file.

6. Save the file with the name "description.ext" and make sure not to save it as a .txt file

7. Go back into the Arma 3 editor and open your mission and create a trigger wherever you want to activate the sound. Set it up so it looks like this except again replace where it says SoundName with the name of your sound file:

8. Now test it out!(you may need to save and re-load the mission for it to work)

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